
196 Movie Reviews

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Nice idea. Real charming. Got some kind of "epic charm". Nice colors,t oo.

That was CRAZY. Good job. Awesome awesome awesome! 3 out of 3 stars!

Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff!

A movie is two things; everything before the ending and the ending.
I think if you didn't reveal that he was a teddy bear in the beginning and only reveal taht in the end, then the ending could be more compelling. Cause right now, it's like "Why am I watching?". So if you started off with him already being a live, and DON'T show the bed until the end, then when you ask "Why am I watching?" when he turns into a stuffed animal, then it's like, "Ohhhh!".
It might even turn into a 30 second animation, which is not bad. Less is more.

Anyway, keep it up.

At first I was thinking "this story is weak". The moment he shot her head, is when the story went in the right direction. Cause usually, I'd expect a woman /creature/'legendary creature" like her to PWN human beings easily and all that. And then your ending...oh boy....

A movie is two things: Everything before the ending, and the ending.

Great job, I'd say this piece right here is one of the best of all the NATA, so far. (Story-wise)

Keep it up.

Love the style. That LOOONG neck, awesome dude. I'd say this peice's strength is the animation (absolutely, you did great), and the visual art. And wow, you can paint your backgrounds, too? Good deal, man.

However, I do NOT support the combination of narration + the voice acting, that's a bad unatural mix. At least the way it was done. I even paused your vid to see if the narration would stop or keep talking (to double check if it was in the vid or not) The narration ruined it. If it wasn't there I'd be way more immersed, lol. Not just becuase it didn't mix well, but becuase even the content of what was narrarated didn'td o it for me. I didn't care and I don't even remember what she said.

Not sure if you did that as a 'quick move' to 'wrap up' your cartoon out of being in a pinch for time.

If you did want to do an intentional narration, I would think one of the strongest voices it can come from is the main character. The girl we see on screen. What story, emotions, point of views, or secrets can she share with the audience? Anyway, 3 weeks or less is not a lot of time so yeah, don't worry mate, I got you. I know you can do better and understand that what people produce for their NATA entries may not reflect their true abilities.

Hope this feedback helps you in your future NATA battles. :)

StejkRobot responds:

Thank you so much man! And you're totally right! The narration over the character voice was a bad idea, i realized that when i cut it all together 20 min before the deadline.
The original idea was to put explanatory wall paintings in the backgrounds that told the story/prophecy
instead of the narration, but i knew that i wouldn't be able to make that in time.
I feel kinda bad because these incredibly talented voice actresses put up and made this for me and i kinda screwed it up. But ill be sure to make it up to them somehow!
Thanks for the review, really helpful!

Hey man! Good job! Real happy to see you step forward, man!
This piece was real charming man, it was charming from the very first shot.
Like the feel, colors and lighting. It was warm and it felt like I was in the room with her.

" Had to cut out a lot of fun scenes due to time restraints"
Yeah man, it happens. Good job for days, dude. Keep it up dude.

The voice actor was amazing, too.

This is the best "first attempt at animatin" i've ever seen. Really, you are a natural talent.
This smokes away those who's had their 2nd or even the sincere attempt at animation.
I'm real curious how much time you've invested into this. For sure I'm keeping my eyes on you.

|"I'm looking to continue a single story from start to end. "
That's cool. I want to see you go far because of that. Really interesting idea.

Good job. I can understand why Doritos chose live action! I mean, they need to SELL that thing.
You can't really see how deliciousDoritos is in 2d form!

They need to see a live human being crunch into a doritos and need to show it off in live action.
It's not as mouth watering in 2d form, so don't take it personally. Good job.
I just think this style should be advertising a different product.

rofl, awesome

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Andrew @SpikeVallentine

Age 37, Male

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San Antonio, Texas

Joined on 3/30/07

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B/P Bonus:
1y 11m 30d