
117 Audio Reviews

59 w/ Responses

Wow nice. 0:46 Love the trumpet melody. Added to favorites. Man I keep looping this. Dude. You have to EXTEND THIS SONG! This is only the beginning, it a good 2-3 more minutes to it!!!!!! You have my support on this!

"I see mountains, sunny day, and adventure. Very heroic"

I don't pay attention to NG much. Can you send me a personal message once it's out? Thanks. :)

Bosa responds:

Yes, I will!

Wow did you make this song all by yourself? Is it your creation?
It's an A+

Hi friend. I voted five and reviewed it a five and gave it a five as well. thank you for making this. And friend, I do not understand..."Original by Toby"? Who's Toby Fox? is this music from a video game or anime or something? or is toby a friend/inspiration of yours? Like is this an original work by you two?

SilverPoyozo responds:

Thanks for listening dude! This is from the game Undertale, and the game's developer, who also created the soundtrack, is Tobyfox.

rofl, did you put "..." as authors comments because of that bit at 41 seconds? hahhaha
gorgeous song

SilverPoyozo responds:

Nah, I'm just too lazy to come up with something to put up there, heheh.
Thanks man! Really appreciate it, good to see you around.

Beautiful song, what's Canterlot?

You wouldn't mind if I favorited this, would you?
Would you also not mind if I told you how fantastic this is?
Wow, it also loops? I do not mind that at all!
If you ask me, this is a song that could really amplify visual arts.

4.96 yowza! ;)
I would imagine a lot of piano enjoys would dig this song. :0)

It ages well. When I heard it for the first time I was indifferent. Came back to it again like hours later, still indifferent. Came back to it again with a time gap, still a bit indifferent. Then this is like the 5th(+) separate visit and I just hit Favorites. Yes, I enjoy it. You won. Good fight SilverPoyozo. Good fight.

P.S. Hhahaha, part of it is because I bookmarked this page, because I got a new computer, and I wanted to bookmark Newgrounds. but instead of just newgrounds.com I bookmarked this unintionally (remember, I was indifferent). So instead of typing Newgrounds.com I just click the bookmark. Eitherway, you win.

SilverPoyozo responds:

Glad it didn't give up on you, at least it won by weariness. I think it's the best one I've actually finished in many months, so I'm glad you liked it.

"FAAS VIIK " What language is this?? is it made up???? Well, what ever it is, this piece is easy on the ears and many can easily consider this song amusing. Well done.

headphoamz responds:

It's the language of dragons from Skyrim. And thanks! ^__^

Sin has separated us from our heavenly family. The price of sin = eternal death. Jesus paid that price for us by taking our place. If we believe and accept Him as our Lord and Savior we shall not perish but have everlasting life. (Google John 3:16)

Andrew @SpikeVallentine

Age 37, Male

Truth Bounty Hunter

San Antonio, Texas

Joined on 3/30/07

Exp Points:
434 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.87 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1y 11m 30d